Monday, February 1, 2010

Paidens book report was on a historical fiction this month. He was supposed to do a news broadcast on it. He had to do the weather and sports, a summery of the book and do two commercials that applied to that time period. Paiden had a lot of fun doing it. I had to download a new program for it and so it could probably use a little work but for the first time using it, it turned out okay. I am so glad that we are done. I can now have my life and sleeping patterns back.


Erin said...

WOW! That was so awesome and it turned out great. Today is February - what is this months book genre?

kristen said...

It is a biography! Do yuo have any suggestions. They have to dress up as the character and do the book in first person from the characters point of view. I want it to be some thing fun and different. What do you think Erin?

My Barratt Family said...

Arthur Dent from the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy - pyjamas, slippers, dressing gown and a satchel with a big towel and a big calculator / PDA thing with 'Don't panic' in 'big friendly letters' on the back.
Huck finn
the boy from the mary pope osborn books. like a space setting or something.
you could go the history route such as Christopher columbus, Thomas edison, or even an old baseball player like babe ruth. We have tons of kids books.

p.s. awesome job Payden... You should be very proud of yourself. You are so smart, such a great reader and very articulate!

Erin said...

We did the wax museum in second grade which sounds like the same thing. I'm sure it means a real person from history, right? I have lots of great ideas. Christopher Columbus, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Dr. Seuss, John Wayne, One of the Wright Brothers, Alexander Graham Bell, George Washington Carver, Neil Armstrong, and Jackie Robinson. Do you want to see what books I have? My only suggestion is make it someone worth learning about!

kristen said...

I was also thinking of john wayne. Yes it has to be a real person in history. I was also tinking it would be fun to do an indian or something that would be fun to dress up as. Yes I would love to see your books. I think paiden would be happy with any of those. I figured that every one else would be a president, so I am trying to think of something more original. I want to be able to make the costume, so i need to get started.