Thursday, August 7, 2008

Well today was a big day for us. I guess I should say last night. Kate slept through the night. Hip Hip Hooray! It was really the second night in a row for us but I didn't want to get to excited incase it was just a fluke. She is getting so big. She is now two months old and is smiling and talking like crazy. She is so fun to have around, we are so lucky to have her in our family.


Adhis said...

Our little one is still 2 hours away from technically sleeping the whole night. Also, she mostly reserves her smiles for Mommy (can you blame her?) and she talks about as much as I do at home, which is surprisingly very very little (you wouldn't even recognize me).

chelon:) said...

congrats!! i am super jealous. i cannot wait for that moment :) we are still 2 feedings at night. i do get 5 hours out of her! she is absolutely beautiful. i love the red hair!